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  • Writer's pictureLiz Parsons | Comfort Challenge Coaching

You are just as awesome as you've always been

How has your life changed after moving internationally?

Moving to a new country is all about managing change – change to your external environment and circumstances, and the internal changes to your identity and self-confidence that come along with it!

Many of us experience changes in our career when we move to a new country.

Earlier this week I co-hosted a “How to find a job in Luxembourg” event for the American Women’s Club of Luxembourg (a misleading name for a diverse international group – over 60% of AWCL members are not American).

At this event, Darren Robinson of top Luxembourg recruiting firm Anderson Wise spoke to the common experience that for many accompanying spouses, through no fault of our own, our skills and experience don't match the Luxembourg job market. Darren gave the example of an accompanying spouse with a successful career who would have had 10 job offers in London, but had 0 job offers in Luxembourg, because their skills didn’t match what is in demand in the Luxembourg market.

So often as accompanying spouses, we experience this disconnect in the job market as an indication that *we are doing something wrong, or that there is something wrong with us. Suddenly, after moving to Luxembourg, we suck! Our skills and experience aren't any good! We are imposters with no value!

Instead, it's important to remember that you are just as awesome as you've always been. Moving to Luxembourg means that your career environment may have changed, but YOU are just as skilled and experienced and competent as you've ever been.

I encourage accompanying spouses to remember their superpowers and reconnect with their foundation of competence and confidence. This can help you feel empowered as you navigate your career next steps.



LuxRelo is happy to introduce you to a series of articles guest-written by our partner Liz Parsons from Comfort Challenge Coaching. Liz helps accompanying spouses feel like themselves again after an international move. Liz is a certified career, life, and executive coach with 10+ years experience in Canada, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

After her experiences as an accompanying spouse herself, she now works to support and advocate for her fellow accompanying spouses in Luxembourg.


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